It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And This Matters Because?

This isn't a debate or monologue regarding the death penalty. There's a lot of back and forth about that one, even in my own mind. But I'm having a bit of an issue with the recent talk (at least here in CA) about the fact that this matter of death-row inmates dying by lethal injection is cruel because it probably hurts. Oh, that's too bad. I'm sure that the confessed killer (or the killer who is "innocent" despite mountains of evidence that pegs him undisputedly as the perp) was really concerned about whether what he was doing---raping, beating, abusing, torturing---was causing any pain. I'm sure that was tops on his list of priorities. Explain to me again why it should be on ours?


Blogger Michelle said...

Not heard of that one, just insane though. I'm against the death penalty, but in my mind if you're a State that's going to have it then i say use the damn thing. Don't have people on death row for 25 years then knock em off, and i also read that if an inmate is due to be "done in" and they have the flu or is's postponed because they're not fit!

4:05 AM, February 22, 2006

Blogger unca said...

I wonder if they use alcohol before the injection so the person won't get infected.
I've got another debate on this issue at:

6:29 AM, February 22, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

unca, I remember that post of yours and the different thought-provoking viewpoints raised. It's an issue fraught with emotion and strong conviction and values on both sides, isn't it? It's a hard one, for sure.

I think I'm kind of with you, Michelle, for the most part---if you decide it isn't right, get rid of it. But if you're gonna have it, make it effective!!!

9:20 AM, February 22, 2006


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