It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ineffectual Advertising

There's an ad on our local radio stations that drives me crazy. Valentine's Day is coming (for those of you who need to remember this), and it seems to especially bring out the jewelry store commercials. This ad of which I speak basically sends this message: if you really love her, then you won't care what the price of the bauble; if you have to ask about the price, in other words, then your love is suspect. That's the message in a nutshell. And because of such a shallow, cheap shot, I'd never shop there and I'd never want anything from that store. What about the poor guy who only makes enough to get the basic needs in life---if he has to buy something inexpensive, then he doesn't really love his girl?? And please tell me there aren't girls out there really who make a guy think if he doesn't spend a lot of money, he doesn't really love her. Unfortunately, I suppose there is such a breed of girl. Sigh.

Which brings to mind the whole engagement ring thing. Apparently, custom has it that a guy is supposed to spend two months worth of pay for an engagement ring. Excuse me? Just who do you suppose set that tradition? That's a tough one to guess. Why do people fall for these things? What is the particular insecurity that's played on that makes this kind of advertising work?

It's akin to the life insurance salesman who mourns your lack of love for your family because you won't buy the triple deluxe plan. We even had a guy come out once to do a water softener demonstration and because we weren't interested, gave us the ole "Well, if dangerous tap water's good enough for your family....", sighing heavily and shaking his head. Oh, right. I should have eyed my husband with suspicion right then and there. What greater proof did I need that he doesn't really love us?

So, I guess all I'm saying is: don't buy into this idea that if you really love her---of if you're really loved---it will have a huge price tag. Bollocks.


Blogger heatherfeather said...

amen. (assuming no one reads the post i just put up about accepting platinum and green sapphires from anyone who feels like sending them to me)

and if dangerous tap water is good enough for me, it's good enough for my dog.

i'm really tired so that might have made me sound insane. or dum. either one, really.

10:57 PM, February 09, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

no, you made perfect sense. Which could just mean that I'm really tired. Which is true....

1:02 AM, February 10, 2006

Blogger Rob said...

i DID have the life insurance guy tell me my decision to buy from him that day was a matter of how much i loved my wife & kids...

3:26 AM, February 11, 2006


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