It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sometimes A Mirror Can Be Your Friend

Twice in as many days I've seen someone walking by and had those words pop into my mind: sometimes a mirror can be your friend.

The first time was yesterday when I was driving away from the Y. A lady was walking in and I noticed some sort of mark on her pants. As I slowly drove by and came even with her, I could see that it was one of those strips that are on new pants which tell the size of the pants about eight times. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 all in a row. Anyway, I couldn't quite see what size it said (I was curious), though from the look of things it wasn't, say, a four or a six.

And then today I was sitting in my van, waiting to pick up my kids from school, when a mom hurried by with this strange growth emerging from the back of her shirt. Upon closer examination, I realized that it was a shoulder pad! It was twisted all strange and coming out of the neck of her shirt. How on earth did it get there? And how could she not feel it? It must've felt strange. I know it sure looked strange. I laughed right out loud when I realized what it was. (Which isn't to say I was laughing meanly at her; it was simply a comical sight.)

There've been so many times when I've come across someone and cringed---skirt caught up in the back, trailing something mysterious from a shoe, etc. And why is it always so awkward to say---"hey, the whole world can see your backside"? I don't know, but it just is. Maybe I'll just carry my friend, the mirror, around at all times---in addition to keeping myself put together properly, I can whip it out when it's warranted, wave it around some clueless fashion "don't" and save myself the awkward hemming and hawing.


Blogger Michelle said...

OMG you make me laugh! I remember i was in a hurry one day to get to the store. I threw my t shirt on and off i went. When i come home i was putting the groceries away and my daughter said, "Mum, you got your t shirt on inside out"! Shame...shame...shame!

2:43 AM, January 27, 2006

Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said...

Michelle, you stole my story LOL I've done the exact same thing. Jay Are, carrying a mirror is a good thing, but getting a giggle out of someone else's silliness is also funny (cruel, aren't I !!). However, I have actually told people when I notice something odd about their person ... particularly when the skirt's caught in the knickers !!! Have a great day, Meow

3:17 AM, January 27, 2006

Blogger mreddie said...

The truth is something that is very important in my life, and that is what a mirror tells us. The problem is that I want to see what I want to look like and not this old man that the mirror shows me. :) ec

5:34 AM, January 27, 2006

Blogger heatherfeather said...

i think those strips with the size on them over and over are very useful. but they should disintegrate the second you leave the store. or they should be the security tag that they remove for you.

because who wants the world to see you're wearing a size 36, er, 6?

7:30 AM, January 27, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

exactly heather...maybe, actually, a person could buy a bunch of them that say "size 4" and then stick them randomly on clothing items....

mr. eddie--it's like my mom always says: the reason we never like pictures of ourselves must be because we think we look better than we do! :) a mirror can't see inside, tho, so if you're young at heart, that's the important part.

M & M--I'm sure I've done the same thing and just never noticed! Oops! and why does the word knickers just make me laugh out loud? :)

8:21 AM, January 27, 2006

Blogger heatherfeather said...

it always reminds me of the time that my cousin, who was around 12 at the time, told my grandfather - the undoubted, respectable patriarch of the family, "don't get your knickers in a know just yet."

8:35 AM, January 27, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

Hah! That's great! The boldness of youth, eh?

8:46 AM, January 27, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, jay are, you must have been in my town...that telltale strip on the pants has been left on by me. fortunately (or unfortunately), my sister happened to be over and she told me about it after i had been all over town! (she has never let me forget it, either!)

since i am *always* running late in the morning, i have also been known to not totally check my attire before going to work. inside-out sweaters and non-matching shoes (these seem to happen in winter when it's obvious i don't have enough light in my closet) are a couple of *slightly* embarrassing things that i've done. (the shoes i caught myself, but someone did have to tell me about the inside-out sweater).

it's obvious that i'm not fooling anyone with trying to present a professional front...

12:48 PM, January 27, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

As one who has been living basically alone for the past nine years, I recognize the great truth in your observation. In other words: “Damn! I should have noticed that my fly was open.”

8:06 AM, January 28, 2006

Blogger Rob said...

my thing is to stand up from my desk, tuck the front of my shirt in, and walk around with the back sticking out or hanging down.
i was made aware of this habit by a co-worker who greeted me with "hey, front-tucker, howzitgoing?" i made him explain it, and it made me laugh and i was grateful that he made the effort to let me know about it...

8:57 PM, January 29, 2006

Blogger Crystal said...

Yes! and it is especially weird when you have to talk to that person about something!

i was doing a speech in high school and everyone was snickering and i thought it was because my speech was funny. idiot me. i walked all the way back to class through a crowded gym before i noticed that my dress had come unbottoned and was exposing my black lacy bra-covered left breast. i was horrified. and nobody even told me!

11:01 AM, January 30, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

Yikes! good thing we can't die from embarassment.

9:11 PM, January 30, 2006

Blogger Rob said...

PS. "... it wasn't, say, a four or a six" is funny...

5:32 PM, January 31, 2006


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