It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Out Of Steam

So, I'm basically better (except for a spastic cough that comes and goes. Consumption. Hah.) But somehow in the course of all this, I seem to have lost interest in---well, everything. I've lost interest in my house (doing anything more than the bare minimum). In my yard. In cooking. In working out. In doing anything, basically, except for sleeping. And reading some. I drop off my kids at school in the morning and then I come home and go back to sleep. Sometimes I sleep until it's time to pick them up at 2:30. What in the world?? I guess it's only been for this week (since last week was the week from you-know-where), but it seems like a long time to be out-of-sorts. Am I depressed? Am I just recovering? What's going on? I don't like it. I feel like a blob of the highest order.

I'm giving myself until Monday to be slovenly and then it's back on track, regardless of how I feel. I just hope I kind of liven up. I feel like I've wasted this entire beautiful, early summer-like week. By the time I kick myself in the rear next week, it's going to be raining again. Oh, well.....

Wish me luck. Inject me with some long-distance energy. I seem to be in need of it.


Blogger Michelle said...

Long distance energy comin your way sista!
Glad your on the mend, i will be checking up on you next week to make sure your movin that ass!!

11:51 PM, February 09, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

heehee. Good!!! Check in and make sure! Have a great weekend.

1:01 AM, February 10, 2006

Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hope you get back to your usual energetic self soon. Sending you lots of long distance energy. Take care, Meow

3:48 AM, February 10, 2006

Blogger unca said...

I hope this is just the "blahs" (as we used to call them) and not something more serious. I'll be thinking of you.
Tell your husband to cheer you up by buying you something really expensive. If he really loves you he'll do it no matter the cost :)[see your previous post).

6:25 AM, February 10, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

that makes perfect sense to me! :) sounds like the perfect remedy

8:28 AM, February 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LUCK (good) to you! and not-so-long-distance energy comin' your way (probably zapping all of my reserves since i'm not exactly high-energy myself) :-).

hoping the weather holds up. it's been *too* nice and i'm getting spoiled.

also hope you're feeling much better soon, ready to take on the world...

10:24 AM, February 11, 2006


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