It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Monday, September 29, 2008


This morning I was helping my son put his chain back on his bike so he could ride to school, and we both thought we felt a drop of water. I looked up at the clear sunny sky---perhaps a cloud here and there---and figured that we must surely have imagined it. About 20 minutes later I was running an errand, and as I was driving back home, a goodly little rain came down! I couldn't believe it. It was sunny, almost 70 degrees--people were out walking and jogging in shorts and tank tops.....and rain! It even lasted long enough that I finally had to use my windshield wipers. So I guess that perhaps the weather might be thinking of changing. And I feel a bit excited somehow---Fall is my favorite season, and while I get tired of cold and rain, at first the change is invigorating and enjoyable. For sure, this little precursor is a great motivator to get the final boxes out of the garage! At least on the one side where I'll want to park the van. It would be quite silly to have a nice garage to get to park in out of the rain and not be able to use it because I never got around to finishing the unpacking. For shame.


Blogger Blogball said...

Please send some of that stuff south. We we really need it down here.

9:38 AM, September 29, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

well, if what we got today is gonna be how it comes down, I think we'll all just get a few drops. I suspect it might pick up a bit, but I hear ya. How is it that some places are devastated by flooding and others are as dry as a bone? A little evening out of the extremes would be nice!

9:40 AM, September 29, 2008

Blogger 3boys'mom said...

Really????Where was I? Maybe I just didn't notice from inside the coffee shop!I'm ready for fall too!

3:22 PM, September 29, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

yeah, you missed it! Hard to believe, looking outside now, huh? It was around 8:30 I guess...

4:15 PM, September 29, 2008

Blogger Bookworm said...

Awwwwwww what a little cutie!!! I love babies . . . as long as they are someone else's! LOL

8:53 PM, October 03, 2008


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