It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Followed Me Here

The weeks have passed and we've settled in some. So many boxes still unpacked (they just won't put themselves away!), so many things yet to do to be "done". But it's good. Things are good. The newness has worn off a bit, things have settled down---partly due to time passing, partly because of summer being over and school starting. It's good.

But I've discovered that I've followed myself here. I'm not magically a more productive person, a high-energy, get-stuff-done person suddenly. How disappointing. I'm not more organized and more efficient and less a time-waster and less a procrastinator. How disappointing. I'm not a new svelte me, I'm not suddenly a healthy eater and hyper exerciser. Darn. I'm not better, thinner, nicer, kinder, not even happier. I followed me here.

But it's okay. It's fine. And all is well. And life is good.....

Even with me here.


Blogger Rob said...

yeah, i keep following myself everywhere, too... :)

12:36 AM, September 04, 2008


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