It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beauty Bends The Rules

The story about Joel Osteen's wife's supposed altercation on an airline flight has been mildly intriguing. It's a classic "she said/she said" kind of story, and it's not really that important in even the tiny scheme of things, let alone the big scheme of things. But I wonder to myself: if Victoria Osteen were not clearly beautiful, rich, well-dressed, etc., would this be receiving any kind of attention? Mega-churches leave a bad taste in my mouth anyway, but that's another story, and these co-pastors of the Lakewood Church in Houston clearly seem to think they're something special. Perhaps they are. How do I know?

I watched a short clip of Victoria defending what she calls a non-event, and it was so syrupy sweet and gushy, it was somewhat gag-worthy. If she did nothing, why did the FAA fine her $3,000 for interfering with a crew member? And if she did nothing and was totally innocent, why did she pay it and try to sweep it under the rug? Turning the other cheek? Seems likely not. Anyway. It barely qualifies as an interesting story, but it's always interesting to me how beautiful and rich excuses a lot of behavior. At least in the person's own mind.

Or maybe I'm just jealous because I'm neither one and I want her to go down. Pay, perfect shallow annoying one, pay!............. Jus' kiddin'.


Blogger Amy said...

What's funny is when your post's title came up in my google reader, I automatically assumed you were talking about the *pretty* little girl who apparently lip synched at the Olympic opening ceremonies. Neither one says much for the state of things I'd say!

7:53 PM, August 12, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

oh yeah! what a perfect other example of my title...that's exactly the same. Ridiculous, eh?

9:20 PM, August 12, 2008

Blogger Bookworm said...

Yeah the whole thing with Mrs. Osteen's behavior AND the flight attendants behavior leave a bad taste in my mouth. I mean, Mrs. Osteen is such a prima donna that she thinks the can just push "service people" around is appalling. She needs to seriously grow up and take some courses in graciousness for goodness sake.

And the flight attendant, seeing dollar signs and a cushy free ride courtesy of "10% of the Osteen's net worth" is just what's wrong with our tort law system. She wasn't "injured" for crying out loud. She just sees a big payday. The stewardess needs to pull up her big girl panties and deal with it. While Mrs. Osteen should pay something for her poor behavior, 10% of their net worth is beyond ridiculous.

And that whole thing with the "cute" Chinese girl lip synching -- don't even get me started.

Whew -- lots of blog fodder out there, isn't there?!? LOL

11:27 AM, August 14, 2008

Blogger Happy Birthday! said...

What's up with all these people (passengers, I mostly mean, not flight attendants) acting crazy on planes? It's always seemed strange to me. You can't go anywhere. No one else can go anywhere. You're all in it together. It's not going to last forever. If there's a confrontation, it's gonna be awkward the whole rest of the time and possibly dangerous. Why not, like, try to make the best of the situation? People are strange.

PS I didn't read the Joel Osteen wife story so I don't know anything about it, but that never stops me from spouting opinions.

11:26 PM, August 21, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

I know---sometimes facts just get in the way actually.
Well, no surprise but prima donna osteen got a not guilty verdict. Probably just as well---she would've been martyred for sure. Anyway...the whole thing is kinda ridiculous.

11:30 PM, August 21, 2008


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