It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Thursday, September 07, 2006

When Scary Things Happen To People We Love

I got a call last evening, the kind you don't like to get, from my brother: "It's possibly nothing, but Dad had to take Mom to the emergency room." What??

Anyway, the deal was this: yesterday she went to the grocery store but once she was there, she couldn't really remember what she needed. She couldn't really remember where anything was. She doesn't remember the drive home, though she knows she went to the store because she had groceries when she got back. She was then trying to make a cake for after dinner but the whole time she was trying to make it, she was "dreaming" that she was at the doctor's and was telling him what happened and he was telling her what was going on. Several times she tried to make the cake but couldn't seem to come out of a dream-like state. She felt disoriented and finally had to lie down and rest (help me out here with the "lay" and "lie" rule).

Long story short thus far, a CAT scan found nothing, a bunch of blood work was done---don't know if they had results back yet or if nothing was found since nothing was mentioned about the blood work. They considered keeping her overnight but then decided to send her home and have her come in today for an MRI. They're going to be checking to see if she could've had a small stroke.

Or it could be anxiety. Or an imbalance of some sort. Or, yeah....a small stroke. Yikes! Hard to get my mind around that one. At any rate, it was a very disconcerting experience for her, to say the least. The experience itself heightened her anxiety---as you can imagine---and her blood pressure was extremely high for her right after it happened. So...All kinds of things could be going on, and we'll hopefully find out more today.

It's the sort of thing that helps a person have perspective.


Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Yikes. I hope all is well... so scary when things like this happen, I've said it before but doesn't it seem like it should only happen to OTHER people and not your own people? Hang in there, keep us posted and big hugs to everyone, esp her!!

12:00 PM, September 07, 2006

Blogger heatherfeather said...

i hope she's okay - a very similar thing happened to my aunt a few years ago. in a very helpful relating to you, i have no idea what ever wound up happening with that or what caused it... warm fuzzies to you and your family and yo' mama..

and in one of the cynical moments, i remember the lay/lie rule in that people lie.

12:27 PM, September 07, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

get-well wishes being sent to your mom. you know (i think) about my mom, so definitely hoping for the best for yours. there was someone that worked with me that had a similar incident. she had a bunch of tests and they didn't really find anything -- but she had no other incidents either! hope that there will be no other for your mom either.

3:48 PM, September 07, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was great!

Really hope your mom is okay.

2:31 PM, September 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops see why I don't comment... I thought I was commenting on Friday's video clip.

Great clip, not great about your mom. Let us know how she's doing.

2:32 PM, September 08, 2006


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