It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Well, 2008 hasn't been a whirlwind of excitement yet. Good thing that wasn't my expectation.

And as far as yawning goes, let's talk sleep apnea for just a minute. Already you're dozing off. Lucky you. Actually, dozing off isn't the problem for me; it's getting quality sleep--any sleep really--once I've dozed off. My lovely and most wonderful father-in-law found a potentially miraculous chin strap to use in conjunction with my sleep mask. It's a sight to behold, I assure you. At any rate, beauty secrets aside, it was seeming to indeed be a miracle. It was apparently keeping my mouth closed while I slept so that the air I was taking in wasn't immediately escaping through my mouth. Boring details. The last two times I used it, however, I woke up with the feeling that I was blowing out like a dragon or something. It was also incorporated into my dreams, though, so I'm not sure if it was reality or not. Which brings me to my next point:

When I use the sleep machine and actually get air to my brain in the night and actually get some minutes of sleep, I have the most bizarre, crazy, colorful, constant dreams. It's very bizarre. I conclude that maybe air/oxygen is the greatest drug around.

So....hopefully the apparati will continue to work (like "octopi", if you see what I mean). I'll keep you posted. Posted----get it? Anyway, stay tuned. I know you can hardly wait to hear the next update.


Blogger Happy Birthday! said...

Do keep us posted! I would be so happy for you if you could get real sleep. I don't know how you function, honestly. Here's hoping for better sleep ahead.

1:20 AM, January 12, 2008


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