It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Back On Track?

We've returned home from about a week-and-a-half vacation down in southern California. Upon our return, we got two sets of company for three nights so it was a little bit harder to get things back in order. But now all have moved on, and it seems like maybe I can start to get back on track tomorrow---back to court reporting, back to the club, back to eating like a normal person and not a small heifer. Possible? Should be. We shall see.

And then in two-and-a-half weeks (or thereabouts) school starts again.....that loud raucous sound you'll hear? That'll be me, celebrating. Talk about finally getting back on track. I can hardly wait. We're trying to start now, this week, getting our days and nights back to normal---no more staying up until two or three in the morning. No more sleeping until 11 or 12 in the afternoon (or sometimes later, if you're my oldest son) (and I never slept in that late, just for the record).

So: here's to being back on track. Here's to the ole grind. All together now----YAY!


Blogger jay aitch said...

Are you SURE you've never stayed in bed that late???

10:18 PM, August 07, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

not in this stretch of time I'm referring to. I can't remember more than one time in the last five or more years that I've slept that late---not for lack of trying!

10:42 PM, August 07, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Welcome back! Glad your bloging hiatus is over anyway!

3:03 PM, August 08, 2007


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