It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Art Of Pointing Fingers

I seem to be quite taken with the news these days. Probably because there isn't really anything that exciting in my life to blog about so I have to comment on other people's lives. Anyway, I had several problems when this story first came out but now I have even more. Beyond the whole teacher/student problems and consequences and bad choices, the part where the parents reluctantly gave their consent has me puzzled. Hello! The girl was 16. This is a bad move. If it can't happen without your consent, then yay! You don't give it. But you certainly don't reluctantly give it and then sue someone else and say it's their fault the thing happened.

Just my opinion. And I concede that there are parts to the story unknown to the common (and not-so-common, ahem) reader but from what's been shared, there seems to be a bit of misplaced anger.


Blogger jay aitch said...

You have some news, don't you? You and oldest son were interviewed for television news yesterday!!!

2:09 PM, July 11, 2007

Blogger mreddie said...

It seems that the parents are just trying to dodge their own responsibilities - a somewhat common tactic. ec

6:37 PM, July 11, 2007

Blogger Unknown said...

I find it interesting that that took place in N.C. Through much of the South the age of consent for marriage is 16 or even younger (14).

12:03 AM, July 13, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

I think people are waiting for things like this to happen so the motherlode of money can arrive. I ALSO think it's one of those why-is-the-buck-not-stopping-with-the-parents thing. Why are they expecting an organization to do more than they did?

9:27 AM, July 13, 2007


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