It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Thursday, June 07, 2007

When You're Rich And Famous, You Can Buy Your OWN Brand Of Justice!!

I don't know why this surprises me. Paris Hilton has been allowed now to finish her jail sentence in the comfort of her own home. After "extensive consultation with medical personnel", it's been decided that that would be best. Mm-hmmm. And who do you suppose paid for that brilliant medical opinion?? Paris wasn't eating much of the jail food. Aww. Poor thing. It wasn't up to her usual standards, I guess.

What a sickening display of easily bought "justice". Ya gotta know that someone was bought off. Somehow.

Isn't Paris just such a role model for young people everywhere?

(It's wrong, somehow, to talk about Paris in any sort of proximity to Kelsey. One is fake and spoiled and nauseating, who cried wolf when suddenly facing consequences for her disgusting behavior. The other was real and fresh and substantial, a true victim whose family now suffers the results of real tragedy.)


Blogger Lisa said...

CBS just called us for a survey they are doing: Do we, or do we not, think Paris Hilton got preferential treatment? Uh, DUH. Do you think some black woman in south Central LA who doesn't like the food is going to get to serve the rest of her sentence in a million dollar penthouse? I think not.

1:05 PM, June 07, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

Yeah, I bet you had to think for awhile about that one.

2:41 PM, June 07, 2007

Blogger Unknown said...

I just saw the story of her release on the news. I am sure that had I been her, I'd still be in the slammer.

4:37 PM, June 07, 2007

Blogger Dx said...

I think Paris deserves to be released. It must have been terribly traumatic for her. Can anyone really imagine what it must be like to spend days and days in a jail without life's little comforts? So don't knock poor Paris. AND...

Who the hell is this Paris person anyway? And why do people keep writing blogs about her? Is she more important than other things in life? I'm going to start an international campaign against Paris. Any ideas what I should call it?

2:39 AM, June 08, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

I wondered when you were going to post about this, only because I've been ITCHING to!! I used to see jail inmates at the hospital I worked at, and believe me, even dialysis didn't give them the out-of-jail pass. Erg. That there is even a PRETENSE that she wasn't given preferential treatment makes me crazy. Why don't they just come out and say it? The ideal press conference would go like this: "Paris has cash, you don't. She gets out of jail free, you don't. No time for further questions." And they call it the justice system.

9:45 AM, June 08, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

exactly, let's cut to the chase already.
and dx, maybe it could be PAP: People Against Paris? c'mon guys---any other ideas? There have to be some really good ones we can come up with.

11:25 AM, June 08, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe- Ordinary People Against *Just-Us* Justice?

11:04 AM, June 09, 2007

Blogger Dx said...

No sooner had they let poor little Paris out of jail than they've thrown her back in again. The girl's head must be spinning. Anyway, I thought we'd agreed not to mention her again.

12:48 AM, June 11, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

it's like a bad case of....something. My head's spinning and it's not even happening to me. Oh, wait, I think it's my stomach turning over. That's what it is.

1:21 AM, June 11, 2007


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