It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I cannot imagine being the parents of Kelsey Smith. I cannot imagine being one of her siblings or her friends, her grandparents, her anything. I can't imagine what they must be going through.

I hope they find this guy. I hope justice is done.

But, really, what is justice? How is there justice for a life cut short, dreams stolen and crushed, lives ruined? What could be justice? How do we protect our children, our babies, our emerging young adults? So scary.


Blogger jay aitch said...

And we would think Kansas is a safe mid-American state.

9:25 PM, June 06, 2007

Blogger Dx said...

I'm not so sure that we can protect them. We can only teach them and cross our fingers.

4:30 AM, June 07, 2007

Blogger Crystal said...

i don't know how her family and friends will be able to sit in the same court room as him without pummeling him.

i want to kick his ass and i don't even know kelsey!

and the kid seems like such a scrawny creepy little a-hole. makes me sick to my stomach.

7:24 AM, June 07, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Maybe my kids aren't leaving the house afterall. Ever. Not even to go to Target.

8:29 AM, June 07, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

crystal, I try not to feel all the things you mentioned, but the truth's almost impossible not to. I can't imagine sitting there, looking at my child's murderer, and being able to keep my seat. It's beyond comprehension.

yep, there is no guaranteed safe place. We can only do so much. So scary.

8:49 AM, June 07, 2007


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