It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

You Can Pick Your Friends And You Can Pick Your Nose But You Can't Pick The Right Line

Tonight I went to Walmart, which is one of my least favorite things to do in the best of times. Six days before Christmas doesn't fall into that category. The store really wasn't so bad---wasn't too terribly crowded really--considering--and I was only there for a couple of items. Things were going decently UNTIL: I got in line. I stink at picking lines; I just stink at it. All lines being equal, or seemingly not too unequal, I picked one. Line number 14. After maybe five minutes, I noticed that I hadn't moved at all, while the people who had just been on either side of me in the other lines were forward by several people. Twenty minutes passed and I inched forward. First of all, there had only been maybe eight parties in front of me (several of these included four or more people) and except for the girl directly in front of me, none of them seemed to have abnormally large transactions. So there was nothing to indicate that it would be a slow line. I don't know if there was something wrong with the checker or if each person who came up had some unique problem; I don't know what the issue was, but I stood in line for probably 45 minutes. Meanwhile, dozens of people passed through the lines on each side of me. It was lovely to see; it just gave my heart cheer.

And then the final insult: the girl in front of me with her possibly 100 items finally got everything rung up. She was apparently purchasing things for her uncle or for the group of them, using her uncle's card. She did the whole card thing, but wait!! It was the wrong PIN! Nothing worked. The machine wouldn't let her do credit. She called her uncle or someone and tried a different PIN. No luck. Meanwhile, as it often does, time passed. My children grew older. We got a new president. Finally, it was decided that she would have to put her cart and all its goodies aside and run home, get a different card, and come back. MY TURN!!! Already? So quickly? I took about five minutes or less and was out the door, quick as a flash. I shook the dust of Walmart from my feet and went merrily on my way.

But I'm left wondering if there's some mathematical system or possibly some magic I can come up with for helping me pick better lines.


Blogger Unknown said...

For me, picking the quickest line is impossible. It seems to have nothing to do with the number of people or the number of items in front of me. I can have one person in front of me, with one item to purchase, and that person’s item doesn’t ring up correctly, thus requiring a “price check.”

4:49 AM, December 20, 2006

Blogger Lisa said...

hmmm. No advice about the lines.

But I am happy to hear that there is someone else who hates going to Walmart as much as I do.

9:12 AM, December 20, 2006

Blogger heatherfeather said...

i too have the world's worst line-picking skills. in the store, on the freeways. i'm terrible at it.

what's worse is the pants has accused me of giving HIM bad line-picking karma, and now he suffers the same fate.

9:52 AM, December 20, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

oooh...line-picking karma! I guess the ticket is to find someone with GOOD line-picking karma and hang around that far none of you seem to be it! :) me either. *sigh*

11:31 AM, December 20, 2006

Blogger si said...

just like you and everyone else -- i suck at picking checkout lines and (as heatherfeather expanded upon) freeway lanes. i've tried to do the george costanza thing (from seinfeld, where he goes against his 1st inclination and his luck changes [for a while]), but to no avail. i think the karma just swtiches to *whichever* line i pick!

(been having trouble *seeing* word verification on this new-fangled blogger-thing. it's been an annoying transition...)

4:31 PM, December 20, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

(I've had the same problem, si, with word verification. It simply isn't there. Ever since I switched to beta, everything's been messed up. I don't get it. I must be as good at this as I am at line-picking).

5:59 PM, December 20, 2006

Blogger unca said...

Now a statistician would tell you that there is no such thing as bad line picking or bad line karma. Statistically, you probably get into as many fast or average lines as everybody else but you don't really take much notice of these experiences. Now notice I'm saying that a statistician would say that -- certainly not Unca.

8:46 PM, December 20, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

certainly not, unca. ;)

11:03 PM, December 20, 2006

Blogger Rob said...

I've found you can make your line move faster by switching to another one.
Or possibly by poking the person in front of you in the back of the neck with a pen, but I haven't tried that yet.

10:51 AM, December 21, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe it's some odd converse reaction? Like somehow in the picking of a line a rip in the space time continum forms to slow it whilst speeding up other lines? And, of course, time and space only have their eyes on the most gifted and magical among us, explaining why the big haired goof-ball who picked the line over was out 40 minutes before you...

10:27 AM, December 23, 2006

Blogger si said...

hey jay are: went to the grocery store last night (late) for xmas food shopping. only 3 lanes open, with at least 4 shoppers in each. debated over 2 of them. chose one and resigned myself to a long wait. well, the other lane that i almost chose ended up having major problems with the register/credit machine/checker and i would've probably still been there this morning. maybe your post has changed my luck (at least for this one moment in time)! thanks!

hope you and your family have a great christmas!


3:04 PM, December 23, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

right on, si!! maybe the tide is turning. :) let's hope so.

3:22 PM, December 23, 2006


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