It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Reps To Failure...?

I know what the expression means: you do as many repetitions of a particular exercise until you can't possibly do one more. Rather than just say "12 reps"---which may not be sufficient, especially if the weight used isn't very sufficient---you instead do as many reps as you possibly can. If the weight is significant, this could mean only 6 reps, say. It seems to me, however, that maybe the expression should be something more uplifting or motivating----like, say: "reps to victory" or something like that.

At any rate, yesterday I did plie squats again which I haven't done for awhile. I did reps to victory and I'm experiencing failure today. I can barely move! Each step has me stifling back a scream. I'm sure it's an interesting show watching me cross the parking lot.


Blogger Rob said...

i'm very sorry to miss that.

if i were to laugh, don't forget i'd be laughing with you...

12:44 PM, March 15, 2006

Blogger mreddie said...

I can relate so well to that, just a little more, a little longer and then not only does it make it difficult to walk next day, just getting out of bed is a chore. ec

5:05 PM, March 15, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

I'm not sure I'll be ABLE to get out of bed tomorrow....and Bryan, I'm quite sure you'd be laughing at me because I'm not laughing. :)

5:20 PM, March 15, 2006

Blogger Lois Lane said...

You have to drink lots and lots of water. Did you know that a lot of that pain is a result of dehyrated muscle tissue? I swear it's true. Also get back on the horse. Don't let the pain slow you down. The pain will actually subside from the same reps that put you in this position in the first place.
Hope you feel better today.
Virtual biff to Bryan. :D
Lois Lane

9:23 AM, March 16, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

thanks for the advice, Lois. I know you're right---I usually drink about 100 oz. of water a day but the last few days (when apparently I've needed it the most!) I haven't had as much. Also, I suspected I should be using the muscles even though everything inside of my legs screams "NO!!!" but I haven't been very brave about that :).

We'll see if I can even get back on the derned ole horse.

9:26 AM, March 16, 2006

Blogger Morgan said...

water plus "take a day off in between exercise days" is what i've always been told.

1:50 PM, March 16, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! I know the feeling! Sort of like the way I felt after my first Tia Chi class!

7:46 PM, March 16, 2006

Blogger Crystal said...


9:43 AM, March 17, 2006

Blogger unca said...

I did some plie squats when I was a baby but my mom cleaned them up.

8:45 AM, March 18, 2006

Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said...

Why does exercise have to hurt ... that can't be good for you !!!! If it didn't hurt, I'd do it more often !!
Take care, plie carefully, Meow

10:33 PM, March 20, 2006

Blogger Michelle said...

hehehehe, i bet you're walking like John Wayne!!

11:18 PM, March 21, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

unca, you are hilarious. boy, I needed that laugh :)
and yes, if something's good why does it hurt?? Hand me another donut---there, that didn't hurt so badly! Much better....
me and John Wayne...look out world.

8:50 AM, March 22, 2006


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