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Things I didn't do in 2007:
I didn't play piano like this
I didn't make any moves like this
I never once sang like this
I didn't quite get to this point
Things I DID in 2007:
Played online scrabble.
Drank diet coke.
Got to the 140s in court reporting (even though I could've probably gotten to the 160s with more commitment and practice. Ah well) (And this is words per minute, just to clarify).
Lost 22 pounds.
Met two long-time friends for an overnight getaway for lots of fun and laughter. We solved the world's problems.
Bought my current favorite CD by Brandi Carlile.
Read some great books.
Apparently started to get Alzheimer's because I can't really remember anything else super amazing that I did or that happened in 2007, except that:
In the last throws of the year, two friends of mine went away/ditched me/disappeared. One was a cyber-friend (are they even real??) but the other was the flesh-and-blood kind. It will take some time to get over. I anticipate 2008 to be a healer.
And I anticipate a lot of good things in 2008. I can feel it in me bones.