It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Saturday, April 28, 2007

In The Whole Scheme Of Things, This Doesn't Matter


I found this article interesting in which a Dutch man re-created the ark that Noah built. Apparently his wife designed it and Johan Huibers built it "as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the bible."**

The only problem, though, is that it seems he didn't bother with the literal instructions. Right away, looking at the picture, there are problems. The King James Version of the Bible and The Amplified Bible (apparently one of the closest translations) both indicate that there was only one window in the ark above, or on the top. Every picture you ever see of the ark has this little house-like structure on the top with rows of windows around it. This ark appears to be no different. But that's not what the Bible says.

Also, the ark is to be covered inside and out with pitch or tar. That would indicate that it'd be black and probably tacky (and messy, most likely). This ark, as pictured, doesn't appear to be covered in pitch.

I know this ark wasn't made exactly to scale. While it's enormous as built, the actual ark of the Bible was five times larger apparently. Obviously it might've been a little bit unrealistic for this man to build and house something that huge. But some of the other details (say, the window, for instance) wouldn't have been so hard to do as it was instructed in the Bible.

Again, this isn't important in the whole scheme of things. It's nice that this man wanted to make a gesture to show what he believes. This particular ark wasn't God-inspired and so the instructions---obeyed or not---aren't so vital I suppose. But it seems to me that if you want to re-create the ark, if you're going to put in the time and the money and the energy, wouldn't you want it to be as much like the ark that Noah built as it possibly could?

**I happen to be in the same camp of those who believe the Bible literally. For what it's worth. Didn't want it to seem like I was mocking the guy for what he believes.

Time For Something Lighter

Some Saturday funnies for the kiddies (and those who are pretending to be adults but who, really, underneath....well, you know):

The joys of self-help

Not necessarily funny but still entertaining

Speed Demon

Long but fun

Friday, April 27, 2007

An Icky Subject, But Still...

Why is there a statute of limitations on child molestation? That makes no sense at all. This horrific act happens to children who are often made to believe that if they say anything, bad things will happen. So they say nothing. And then time passes and now they're adults and they realize----that was bad, it shouldn't have happened, I could've said something (in most cases), this person is still out there (possibly still committing atrocities), etc. etc. There shouldn't be a statute of limitations.

I'm thinking about this in connection with this case. Just because the once-kids are now adults doesn't mean he shouldn't have to pay for what he did (considering it's proven, of course).

And that's my opinion about that.

Monday, April 23, 2007

And This Is Important Because...?

I found this article interesting in which Rush Limbaugh found it necessary to quickly conclude that the Virginia Tech murders were committed by a "liberal". Anyone spouting off at the rich, etc., has to be a liberal. (And it's important to apply these labels as quickly as we can.) I'm trying to figure out why this matters really. I'm trying to understand why this knowledge is vital. I bet it really matters to the grieving families whether this lunatic was a Republican or a Democrat. I bet they'll get a lot of comfort in knowing that, phew! it wasn't a Republican who pulled the trigger.....or was it? How do we know? Why would we care? How does that help us?

Sometimes I weary of the angst and rage and vitriol that we otherwise know as politics. Some things are just tragedies. Period.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


These days I've read a lot about the tragedy in Virginia. I've tried to not become immersed because it's so heartbreaking, but it's almost impossible to avoid reading about some of these students and teachers whose lives were so tragically cut short. And it was all so senseless. Immensely talented with unlimited potential---that describes the lives that were swiftly stolen by a sick and twisted mind. There is so making sense of it, and my heart goes out to family and friends left behind. May the sweet influence of good smother the evil that took it.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Pet Peeves

1. Two times in the past week I've pulled into the parking lot of a store, seen someone in the last steps of emptying the contents of his cart into his car, leave the cart in the middle of the parking space next to him and then drive off! So annoying. Move your lazy behind and put the cart somewhere out of the way---if you can't bring yourself to walk the few extra feet to put it where it belongs, at least park it somewhere out of the way of where someone else (ME!) would want to park. Duh.

2. One of my most hated things is smokers throwing their cigarettes out the car window, on the sidewalk, on the tacky. I've often wanted to ask: "So would you just throw your "regular" garbage on the street?" But now I have the answer! And the answer is.............(drum roll)....................YES!!!! Yes, they would! Twice now recently I've seen some guy with a new package of cigarettes (naturally) unwrap the package and throw the wrapping onto the sidewalk. Hello?? It happened again Friday night; the guy right next to me---dressed all snazzy in a suit and snappy shoes---unwrapped his cigarettes and threw the trash on the sidewalk. I was standing next to him and pointedly stared at him, willing him to turn and look at me so I could glare at him or something. Strangely enough he never did and casually just walked away. What a jerk. Sorry, but there's no excuse for that. I wish there was a way to pile all the accumulated wrappers, trash, cigarette butts, etc., that he's dropped and put them in the middle of his room. See how pleasant and no-big-deal it is then.

Phew. Glad I got that off my chest.

Sleeping With The Fishes

Friday afternoon we decided to play tourist in San Francisco and spent some time at Fisherman's Wharf. Among other things, we visited the aquarium at Pier 39 and I was quite impressed. I've been to San Francisco too many times to count and for some reason I've never paid it a visit. I'm sure it wasn't quite like Bryan's aquarium experience but I was impressed even so. It's a fairly small aquarium compared to some of the majors, but it was fascinating. There are clear tunnels that you walk through so the fish are all around you. Name a sea creature and it was likely there. I enjoyed looking at the colors, the shapes, the beautiful and the ugly things growing on the rocks. But I think the thing that interested me the most was how the fish would sleep---on the floor of the tanks; in mid-water; in the greenery---plopped on the leaves like they were pretend and someone had stuck them there; lying sideways on a rock....sometimes they were just lined up on the sand, all in a row, taking a snooze. I don't know why I got such a kick out of that. I guess it's been a long time since I visited an aquarium; I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. You should go visit the one nearest you soon. And if you're ever in San Francisco, go check out the aquarium at Pier 39.

Sorry, Wrong Answer. Please Play Again.

So my People prediction was wrong. Imagine that. But I was actually glad I was was wrong and also glad to see that only a small page was dedicated to the whole affair. Hopefully we can have a rest from the whole saga of Anna Nicole Smith and that poor little baby.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I Predict

that the next issue of People Magazine will have a picture of a grinning, jubilant Larry Birkhead with the quote "I told you so!" splashed across the front.

What a circus.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Today an unexpected task took us over to the coast so on the way home, we decided to swing by Santa Cruz---one of my favorite places on earth. We walked out on the pier, ate supper while looking out at the evening sun on the waves, and then walked back to the Boardwalk so the kids could go on some rides. It was a lovely, beautiful evening----we ate too much, spent too much money and saw way too much underwear:

(why do we want to see THAT?)

(my three boys in the upper right, back row)

(Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, as seen from the pier)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Martha Stewart Moment

I wish I was one of those people who--when they get stressed--stop eating, work out constantly and clean like crazy. If that were the case, I'd be the fittest person you ever saw and have the cleanest house you'd ever stepped foot in! Heh. Let's just say that children can be stressful. And teenagers? Don't get me started.

But back to Martha Stewart and cleaning like crazy: there are two cleaners you should become intimately familiar with (if you have the misfortune of being maid-free at the moment and do your own cleaning): Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and Bar Keeper's Friend (having or keeping a bar is not required). If those products don't clean it, it ain't gonna clean.

Just thought I'd pass on that vital information.