It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Pet Peeves

1. Two times in the past week I've pulled into the parking lot of a store, seen someone in the last steps of emptying the contents of his cart into his car, leave the cart in the middle of the parking space next to him and then drive off! So annoying. Move your lazy behind and put the cart somewhere out of the way---if you can't bring yourself to walk the few extra feet to put it where it belongs, at least park it somewhere out of the way of where someone else (ME!) would want to park. Duh.

2. One of my most hated things is smokers throwing their cigarettes out the car window, on the sidewalk, on the tacky. I've often wanted to ask: "So would you just throw your "regular" garbage on the street?" But now I have the answer! And the answer is.............(drum roll)....................YES!!!! Yes, they would! Twice now recently I've seen some guy with a new package of cigarettes (naturally) unwrap the package and throw the wrapping onto the sidewalk. Hello?? It happened again Friday night; the guy right next to me---dressed all snazzy in a suit and snappy shoes---unwrapped his cigarettes and threw the trash on the sidewalk. I was standing next to him and pointedly stared at him, willing him to turn and look at me so I could glare at him or something. Strangely enough he never did and casually just walked away. What a jerk. Sorry, but there's no excuse for that. I wish there was a way to pile all the accumulated wrappers, trash, cigarette butts, etc., that he's dropped and put them in the middle of his room. See how pleasant and no-big-deal it is then.

Phew. Glad I got that off my chest.


Blogger Lisa said...

Oh goodie. Can I talk about my pet peeve?? At the pickup curb outside my kids school, I love those moms who refuse to pull up close behind the car in front of them...yet they don't leave quite enough space for a car to get in there...

So at pickup time, we have only 10 cars parked on a curb that could accomodate probably 27 cars if everyone pulled up to the car in front of them.

Oh, yeah, you're right. I feel better now too. Whew.

8:25 AM, April 15, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

or when the obvious natural flow of traffic, when you're picking up your kids, is to make the u-turn and then pull ALL THE WAY UP TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE SPACE along the curb instead of stopping right at the edge of the sidewalk so that NO ONE ELSE can turn around. Drives me batty.

12:47 PM, April 15, 2007

Blogger Unknown said...

Now you have me thinking about my own pet peeves and I am trying not to become obsessive.

7:41 PM, April 15, 2007

Blogger mreddie said...

I know you feel better now that you got that off your mind. :) Both the peeves you mentioned are at or near the top of my list as well. In fact I usually park near the cart holder so I won't have to push the cart too far. ec

7:55 PM, April 15, 2007

Blogger Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Oh that smoking/trash issue is my 2nd favorite reason to pull out the soapbox! First is people using the word 'retard'.

12:12 PM, April 16, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

It's a common sight in parks around our fair city to see people of all ages eat wrapped food (ie, candy bars, fast food, chips, etc) and throw the package on the grass as if there was a garbage man following them. I pointed out to a teenage-ish girl that she'd dropped her wrapper and that a garbage can was conveniently located about 12" from her nose and she looked at me like I was from another planet. And this city wonders why it gets no respect!!

2:47 PM, April 16, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

that's so annoying, irritating, disgusting (fill in the blank).

and ddm, after reading your feelings and thoughts regarding the "R" word, I've been so much more conscious of when it's said and of not using it. I'm glad you've made me aware of its offensiveness.

9:13 PM, April 16, 2007

Blogger Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Thanks Jay Are! *smooch*

11:05 AM, April 17, 2007

Blogger Amy said...

I feel like I should confess.. I am one who leaves the cart away from the cart holder. In my defense, I used to be a very staunch cart-returner. However, now I that I have 2 very small companions, I have decided that if they can't put a cart holder at relatively frequent intervals then oh well. I'm not leaving the kiddies in the car to hoof it all the way back to the store. I do try to "park" it some where it wont go rolling away and not in the middle of spot. This is similar to me no longer returning books or magazines or unwanted grocery items to the exact place I found them.. Which I always hated when other people did.

12:29 PM, April 17, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

well, I definitely don't always put it in the cart parking lot (and when I had little guys in the car, I rarely, if ever, did) but I definitely don't leave my cart in the middle of the parking spot next to me....that's all I'm sayin'. But it's funny how we sometimes start doing the very things we always ranted at others for doing, isn't it? Our words come back to bite us :)

2:49 PM, April 17, 2007


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