It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Just When You Think You've Heard It All

I've been following the story in the news about two guys who gave their 2- and 5-year-old nephews marijuana to smoke. There's a video showing them putting the cigs in the baby's mouth, making a joke about it, laughing. The guys have been arrested and now the uncle says something along these lines: "Well, they were gonna smoke anyway. It was inevitable, whether I gave it to them or someone else. Y'all are blowing it out of proportion." Excuse me?? These children are TWO and FIVE!! To say these young boys possibly don't stand a chance is likely the understatement of the year.


Blogger mreddie said...

Some folks try to raise their kids right. And some seem to deliberately try to lead them astray - then wonder why their kids lives fall apart. ec

7:28 PM, March 06, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Lovely. those people should be removed from the presence of all children. I wonder if they just want to make sure no one around them becomes more than what they are. Losers.

11:12 PM, March 06, 2007

Blogger Rob said...

i'm mad that they gave weed to those kids -- there's no way a toddler is going to appreciate it, or how much it cost.
they should have given it to britney spears to calm her down.

anything else you want to know about, just ask.

10:19 PM, March 07, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

BTW, I'm sure you won't see this comment, but I saw the video of these two on a talk show while we were out of town this week. Ick. THat's all I can say.

1:21 PM, March 10, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

I don't remember the clip I saw---I think it was from a news cast---but that was my reaction too. Yuck. A total absence of any sense of responsibility.

10:15 PM, March 10, 2007


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