It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Seasonal Adjustments

Sometimes when the skies turn gray, you do too. Overcast covers the world around you and clouds hang low on the horizon. You listen to "Dance Me To The End Of Love" by Leonard Cohen 178 times in row and counting. You try to read a book but nothing holds your interest---too sad or too happy or too hard to get into. You walk a lot, warming up the outside and waiting for it to seep inside. You eat mostly carrots because nothing tastes good. You stick to the routine of every day and wait for the sun to come back out because it always does.


Blogger heatherfeather said...

i'm right there with you, sister.

right there.

6:25 PM, October 03, 2006

Blogger mreddie said...

So true - the sun always does come back out - just maybe not when we want it to. Hope it happens soon for you. ec

7:53 PM, October 03, 2006

Blogger Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Aw. *Pat, pat*. That better? I'm sorry! I hate that grey day, dumpy dreary thing. It hasn't hit here yet, but I won't be far behind you. Hang in there Jay!!

12:36 PM, October 04, 2006


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