It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Tagged Shmagged

I've been tagged by DDM to list six weird/strange/unknown/etc. facts about myself. I'm so unweird that I haven't been able to come up with very many. Now that you're all done laughing yourself hysterical about that untruth, I'll list them (too bad I have to limit myself to six, huh?):

1) The older I get, the more afraid (understatement) of heights I become. I used to giggle--in a kind way--at my grandma who was deathly afraid of heights and elevators. In the later years of her life, when they would be in a car, she would lean way into the middle of the car when the edge of the road would have any sort of drop-off. I guess she figured the closer she was to the other side of the car, the safer she'd be. And of course, to my 13-year-old brain, that was pretty funny. It's not so funny anymore. Now I become short of breath and dizzy when I get too high and have to look down. Is this genetic??

2) I can't stand any clothing to touch my collarbones (I can't wear any sort of turtleneck or high-necked shirt/sweater). Was I strangled as a child and I've blocked that from my memory?? Likely.

3) I LOVE the idea of everything neat and orderly, "a place for everything and everything in its place". However, I'm terribly unorganized and can't seem to keep anything in order. I guess the idea is great but the work required is too much?

4) I wouldn't care if I never had another bite of ice cream or pie. They don't tempt me at all (don't get me started on a dozen other things, though).

5) I can read a book a dozen times and remember very little about it (as long as it isn't, say, the next day that I re-read it). Does this mean I have very few brain cells? Probably. It works out good, though, because I get a lot of mileage out of a really good book.

6) I still think banana baby food is yummy.

Well, there's six. A drop in the bucket. Tip of the iceburg......You get the idea.

(By the way, if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged. I KNOW I'm not the only strange person out there. You weirdos know who you are :). I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course).


Blogger Michelle said...

Jay Are, we have the turtleneck thing in common, also the height fear!
I did my weird thing too.

Your not a fan of ice cream??? How about chocolate? :o)

5:12 PM, April 22, 2006

Blogger Lisa said...

I take a bath every SINGLE night of my life. I'm told this is weird. :) Can't think of any others - haha.

6:02 PM, April 22, 2006

Blogger unca said...

I don't like to watch football games because I can't stand it when the guys on the field all get into that little circle and talk about me.

8:21 PM, April 22, 2006

Blogger Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Thanks for doing it!!! And my husband struggles with the turlenecks too.
And? Did you have to remind me that there's ice cream in my freezer?

9:03 PM, April 22, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1, 2, 3, & 5 are me also! actually i: 1) have always been afraid of heights (actually of falling), 2) don't like the turtleneck-thing around my throat/neck rather than collarbone (probably also strangled earlier), 3) love orderliness and i *can be* for others, just not for me, & 5) can't remember much of any book that i've read; i don't necessarily go back to re-read -- i'll just read another that i'll also can't remember!

unfortunately, i don't agree with your #4 -- wish i did. :)

12:13 PM, April 24, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

haha, mamacita. Why, thank you ...(I'll pay you when I next see you. :))

10:51 AM, June 13, 2006


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