It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What Exactly Are You Saying?

Is it a bad sign when your kids say with all sincerity and earnestness, "Look! We have hot dog buns. And they're not even stale!" Is there some sort of implication here?

Normally I don't mind grocery shopping, but every now and then it just gets old. All those meals to make all the time! All this eating business! Maybe an IV would just be easier, little personal IV's that people could hook up to themselves and then not have to waste all that time eating and preparing meals. And don't get me wrong! I love food. Love it. But sometimes the shopping and the chopping and the preparing and the cooking---it just gets old. I think I need a personal Martha Stewart. Nothing would ever be stale again.

Oh, and while I'm at it: how 'bout a personal trainer? And a housekeeper? And a gardener? Those celebrities---they've got the right idea, I tell you. Things would sure be looking up around here if someone was picking up the slack a little bit.


Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said...

Send that housekeeper, cook, gardener, etc, my way, too, Jay Are. I'm with you. Too many things to do, not enough people to do it!!
Take care,

2:53 AM, January 12, 2006

Blogger Michelle said...

I saw old Martha on the "Today" show this morning baking Angel food cakes..mmmm yumm!

3:07 AM, January 12, 2006

Blogger Crystal said...

right on, sister. luckily, my fiancé cooks. if not, we'd probably 1) starve or 2) eat cold poptarts at every meal.

9:59 AM, January 12, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

When I was, like, 25 and working my first real job, I had two amazing bosses, both moms, who made me actually want to come to work in the morning (no matter how hard I had partied the night before). One of them, one day, said in all seriousness, "Wouldn't life be easier if you didn't have to eat or go to the bathroom?" And since I liked eating and even, after a fashion, going to the bathroom, I hadn't a clue what she was on about.

Time takes care of most gaps in understanding.

2:11 PM, January 12, 2006

Blogger the mama said...

serious! i'm glad mia's too young to think that only having baby carrots in the fridge is a bad thing.

2:47 PM, January 12, 2006

Blogger heatherfeather said...

see, i'm a fabulous cook. but cooking for yourself? super boring. because cooking a single serving is way more hassle than it's worth, and then you get bored eating the same thing nine meals in a row. (please disregard this last sentence when you read the rest of my comment)


so nine meals out of ten that i eat at home in the past month have been bagels.

sigh. not even my boredom with bagels has motivated me to cook something else.

5:26 PM, January 12, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

yes, I think that cooking for one has got to be hard. I would wind up doing the same thing over and over too---oh wait! I do that now! Who knows what would happen if I was just trying to feed me.

5:44 PM, January 12, 2006


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