It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Long Skinny Pedal On The Right

Today it was my misfortune to be driving behind not one, not two, not three---but at least seven drivers who were extremely unfamiliar with that long skinny pedal on the right. That's right---the one that makes the car go. I know I'm often in a bit of a hurry when I'm going places, and I have to practice at being patient. But we're talking some seriously slow drivers here. City streets, freeway, didn't matter, they were in front of me---all those slow, meandering, GPS-checking/programming slow drivers.

You thought that living in war-torn Middle East was a trial...or hoping to have bread to spread among the eleven people living in your dirt-floored shack was hard. (I don't mean "your" as in "yours" but you know what I mean). No. Those things would be hard, it's true.* But I'm not sure if they're anywhere near as frustrating as being stuck behind someone who was scared in the womb by a gas pedal.

A little aside:
Duly noted that this is a gross understatement. Not the intention to be insensitive.


Blogger jay are said...

HAA!! Mamacita, your comment had me laughing right out loud. I get a good laugh every time I read it. Little punctuation swerves can be downright nervewracking. And the fast/slow thing---not good. Your friend must be so brave.

5:41 PM, August 12, 2006

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

I think the dude that wasted 50 kazillion dollars getting our govenor recalled could have more wisely spent his cash on a public service campaign entitled: SLOW PEOPLE TO THE RIGHT SO THE GUY (or jay are) BEHIND YOU DOESN'T RUN YOU OVER. DUH. And the DMV should recall the licenses of all people who cannot abide by these rules. Forever. But that, of course, is just my opinion.

1:34 PM, August 13, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

and an excellent opinion it is.

1:40 PM, August 13, 2006


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