It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Forecast: Grey

You know how sometimes you feel like a blanket is kind of covering you and weighing you down and making it hard for you to stand up tall and walk with a spring in your step? Do you ever feel that way? Maybe you never do. But I do, and I am these days. Mostly it's an annoyance and a bother. There doesn't seem to be any one particular reason; rather, a handful of small ones. I suspect it could be chemical in nature. Who knows. But it's a bother and it's boring. And thus I am rendered such as well.

(I hold said wet blanket responsible for my lack of posts.)

Here's hoping it passes soon, that it dries up, that I'm able to fold it and put it away. Besides, it's WAY too hot for a blanket right now.


Blogger Lisa said...

What color is restlessness? That's my color lately. Sorry you're grey...hope it gets better soon. That's the nice thing about emotions; they always change. On another note, have you read "The Noonday Demon"? It is commonly known as the BEST book on the market about depression, written as a memoir, but beautifully done, and almost used as a textbook in the field.

5:40 PM, July 23, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

wow, thanks for the recommendation. It sounds like a must-read.

8:13 PM, July 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, throw off that blanket and cheer up!!!

11:04 PM, July 24, 2006


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