It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Where Are The Fashion Police?

I am not the Queen of Fashion, I'll grant you that. If it were up to me, no one would be required to wear anything fancier than comfy sweats and T-shirts. Good thing it isn't up to me, I know. Not that I don't enjoy discovering fun and funky and pretty clothes and dressing nicely. I do...but just not very often I guess. I prefer my "play" clothes.

That said, I still have some definite opinions about the latest fashions, and one of these fashions seems to be low-cut jeans. I'd say there's about three percent of the female population who actually look good in these pants. (And yes, I know there's something tantalizing for some about the ole thong peeking above the pants. Fine; I'll give you that). So about 3 percent look good in this style but about 98 percent wear it. (I didn't do my math wrong, by the way. Three percent look good, 2 percent don't wear it and 98 percent do. See?) This style makes girls' butts look like boxes or rectangles. There's nothing round or curvy or lush. Just square and flat and boxy looking. What's attractive about that? (My 16-yr-old rolls his eyes when I mention this. Is it because I'm so out-of-it that I wouldn't think square is sexy or the fact that I would be mentioning a curvy lush bottom in front of him? I'm not sure.)

So there's the square butt aspect. But worse---far worse---than rectangle butt is the far-too-often too-small top and gushy middle that I keep being forced to observe. Why, why, would you walk out of your bedroom, let alone the house, with an outfit that showcases your rolls of fat around the middle? I don't think we can all have rock-hard abs or a model figure; of course not. But isn't there some middle ground between magazine-impossible body and excess flesh exposed and folding over too-low jeans? Part of me thinks---well, isn't it commendable that she's so comfortable with her body and who she is that it doesn't matter to her if she has rolls folding over the top of her jeans. And the other part thinks: GO CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES!!

I guess I must be getting old. When did that happen?


Blogger Michelle said...

Nothing worse than a "lard arse" with low cut jeans and a thong hanging out. There should be laws against these people.

4:23 AM, June 14, 2006

Blogger Kylee said...

My cousins son just blushes at the site of the thong hanging over - it was the most embarreshing trip to the hair cut shop he and his mother has ever had. The poor kid is 13 and it really made him feel uncomfortable to be faced with that infront of his mother.

I so agree...just because its the "in" style does not mean "everyone" should be wearing it and even those that it looks good on...need to choose appropriate times.

5:15 AM, June 14, 2006

Blogger Lisa said...

well, gosh, am I going to be the sole disagreer?? I do agree about the ultra low cut jeans, I do. BUT, Old Navy has a "just below the waist" low cut and I must say, I love them. I always think "why didn't we think of this low cut thing sooner?? I can hardly stand regular waist high jeans now. BUT I DO wear longer shirts so you don't see the fat rolls (as if I *have* any - har har), and I only wear thong underwear by mistake. :) (Read: if I forgot to bring an extra pair after my workout). Anyway, I know what you mean by the post, but once you try the lower cut, you might be hooked!

8:42 AM, June 14, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

I don't actually mind the fact of the lower cut. I wear all my skirts low on my hips and prefer any other item of clothing to be around my hips rather than my waist, as much as possible. BUT...many of these pants are not attractive as far as making a girl's hiney look appealing (why do I care??) and I mostly don't like the inner-tube that often accompanies them. That's just my own personal fashion peeve.

8:57 AM, June 14, 2006

Blogger Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

That gushy fat roll over the top of the waistband you speak of? That's called 'Muffin Top'. I have it, but I FRIGGING COVER IT! And I love the Old Navy jeans/pants that Lisa speaks of. They are the most flattering for me, because they cut the vastness of my J.Lo behind.

11:24 AM, June 14, 2006

Blogger Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I have, for the most part, gone with the "at least she's comfortable with her body" mindset; something we could all stand to do more of. And we Americans are just a little chubbier than we used to be, at all ages, so there's that: It is what we are.

However. If I see one more buttcrack, I'm going to scream my bloody head off! I just read that it's called a "coin slot" [on the streets, yah] and is on its way out. Hallelujah!

1:50 PM, June 14, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

LOL! Coin slot!! Yuck! Should be interesting to see what replaces THAT!

1:58 PM, June 14, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you've posted exactly what i've been saying/thinking. it's great that some girls are not *so* focused on being model-thin; but really, there's got to be some common sense here. the "muffin-top" overflowing between one's top and pants are supposed to be what? in? attractive? i don't get it...

that being said, i do like *some* of the pants now as far as comfort/looks. but i have seen the future and it looks like the peg-leg/pencil-thin jeans may make their way back. yuck!

2:05 PM, June 14, 2006

Blogger jay are said...

well, a lot of people would like your problem, fatty (??) :)

5:07 PM, June 15, 2006

Blogger Crystal said...

underwear hanging out of jeans is just gross. and i do not allow my fat rolls to spill out above my jeans.

however, i throw my breasts out there as often as possible.

butt crack = slutty
cleavage = classy

1:51 PM, June 16, 2006

Blogger EmBee said...

Problem is all the stores seem to have available are the low cut jeans... Therefore the spillage is inevitable... So I end up constantly yanking on the pants to persuade them to rise above the roll. Then there's the shirts... They seem to be long enough, until I wash them and they end up shrinking to the point that I'm consistently trying to yank them down over the too low waistline of my pants. I used to wear granny underwear (briefs) but because they were always peeking above the waistband of my pants (SO emBARE-Ass-ing) I've had to switch to bikini style which always feel like they're going to roll into a little ball and fail to protect the very thing they are meant to be covering.... AAARRRgggghhh! Will somebody please bring back those high waisted Jordache?
Enjoyable post ;-)

5:11 AM, July 05, 2006

Blogger Sara said...

I admit, I wear low-cut jeans, but I wear them 30-year-old style. ;) I hope nothing hangs out or squishes out and I don't think it does. The key is to wear underwear that are designed for low-cut jeans, so they don't show... Victoria's Secret makes a no-show low-cut bikini that's fantastic.

8:11 PM, July 18, 2006


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