It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Stages Of Moving

Moving day was a fright. Hours and hours of frantic work, made easier by wonderful friends and help. We got into our new town after four in the morning, got a hotel room, and then got to work mid-morning the next day. By that night, everything was in---either in the garage or in the house.....and now: where are my clothes?? where's the iron?? where are the sheets?? how about the towels! It's an adventure game. A big game of hide and seek.

It's been fun to start putting stuff away. I still feel like an imposter, though, in this house at times---a house so different from the one we left. And after several days of trying to get some semblance of order, I feel a sort of letdown, a melancholy, a strangeness overtake me. I know it's part of those stages of moving. A friend shared a wise thought passed on to her when she moved: when a plant is transplanted, there's often a period of time where it wilts before it blooms again. I don't feel like I'm wilting, by any means, but there will be adjustments.

That said, it's been as smooth an experience as we could've hoped for. The rest is gravy---I'm sure it will take a fair amount of time for everything to find its spot and place. Meanwhile, I intend to enjoy the ride and enjoy every lovely aspect of my new lovely spot.


Blogger Amy said...

Congrats on getting it all in! That's the first step! :)

I definitely know about the adjustment phase and the imposter feeling. I still feel that way sometimes, like " whose house have I been living in for the last 18mo?" I think it takes me about a year to feel natural about coming home to a new place. Where you're no longer aware of it and can just pull in with other thoughts.

I've also seen the wisdom of homewarming parties. Your house suddenly does feel more homey after you have your first company.

Well happy house warming and when you get overwhelmed just go sit in your car- its nice and familiar. ;) Can't wait to see it!

5:47 AM, June 29, 2008

Blogger Gina said...

Welcome To Your New Home!!!

6:32 AM, June 29, 2008

Blogger Unknown said...

I have always celebrated when a move is completed. After a few months of resting up from it, of course.

Congratulations on Being There!

8:59 PM, June 29, 2008

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Yay, you're closer! I do like the transplanting image... seems to have been/be true for me. I need to get your new ph # since I don't think I have your old cell... see you SOON!!

9:32 PM, July 01, 2008

Blogger si said...

...and a lovely spot it is! welcome to the neighborhood (so to speak)! nice to finally meet you and put a face with a name/blog.

2:52 PM, July 06, 2008

Blogger mreddie said...

Glad you folks got in but the real work is to get everything straightened out and where to put everything and then remembering where you put it. We haven't moved in a long time - I'm glad. ec

9:12 PM, July 06, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

yeah, moving is definitely not for the's gonna take ages, I know, to feel settled. Not doing this again for a LONG time!!

10:47 PM, July 06, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting there!!!
Also....please forgive me for using your comments section as a communication tool with si....
SI!!!! Thanks so much for the phone call! You made my day. I'm sorry I haven't called back, things are crazy busy here with remodelling and Braeden home for the summer. Things are MUCH better for our family now, and thanks for checking in!!

8:41 AM, July 15, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

hey ddm! use this for communication to anyone anytime you want!! hope she she's the message...glad to hear that things are going fine--isn't it time for a new blog??? :) take care.

10:01 AM, July 15, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooo..... don't know about a new blog. Tempting, definitely. Not yet anyway, I'm too skeered. I have gotten my photography business off the ground though!!! Yaaaaay! Maybe I'll start a photo blog to work my way back into it. Thanks for letting me use your comments! ;-)

2:09 PM, August 01, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

hey, that's awesome!! So excited for you. I would love to see some of your stuff. Think about it!

9:26 PM, August 01, 2008


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