It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Fine Young Man

My 18-year-old just bought himself his very own car. Ain't he a handsome chap and isn't it just a cool little ride? I'm very proud of him for doing this. Seems like most of the kids his age I've come across have had a car handed I'm proud of him for working hard and buying it himself. He'll have a much greater sense of accomplishment and pride of ownership. Good job!


Blogger jay aitch said...

Let me be the first to say! He is the most handsome teenager I know!!! Hooray to my Trev!!!!!

10:51 PM, April 16, 2008

Blogger prrrof said...

Too cool, and too scary. HE IS EIGHTEEN????? Congrats to him, and to you, and help to us all...18 years is a blink of an eye.

*sniff. sob.*

8:07 AM, April 17, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

in SOME ways it's a blink ;) but yeah, love your babies. Before too long...! I have no babies left :( But plenty of others we meet with do, so I get my fix! AND it's hassle-free!

10:18 AM, April 17, 2008

Blogger Amy said...

Good job Trev! Love the red.

11:54 AM, April 17, 2008

Blogger Lisa said...

Yeah, Trev!!! Good job, buddy. You ARE a fine young man, let me tell ya.

8:12 PM, April 17, 2008

Blogger si said...

very cool car and good job on earning it himself!! also, agree on his handsome-ness!

8:24 PM, April 17, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Trev!!! You and the car both look great! Love, Maama

12:04 PM, April 18, 2008

Blogger Rob said...

handsome, schmandsome, whatever.
what i want to know is when he's taking his uncle somewhere in his new car...

1:03 PM, April 18, 2008

Blogger unca said...

Let's see, when I was 18, I had my choice of borrowing the family station wagon, a 1958 Mercury, or a 1960 Volkswagen bug. Babe magnets, both of them. Congratulations !!

6:10 PM, April 18, 2008

Blogger jay are said...

yeah, I twice got my grandma's cars. And they were grandma cars, let me tell ya (Oldsmobiles, both of them, I believe). But I was happy to have them, for sure (thanks Grandma!) even though this spiffy red thing would've been a lot more fun. I did get some niftier cars after the grandma cars, so that's a relief :)

6:23 PM, April 18, 2008

Blogger unca said...

I should add that the thought of actually working to buy a car of my own never even entered my mind. Way too lazy.

11:29 AM, April 19, 2008

Blogger Unknown said...

That quite a handsome young man with a very neat looking car! Congratulations!

6:52 PM, April 20, 2008

Blogger Crystal said...

hot boy hot car

gonna be a hit with the ladies!

1:17 PM, April 22, 2008

Blogger Happy Birthday! said...

woohoo!! good for him!!

11:08 PM, April 24, 2008


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