It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sputter Sputter Fizzle Pfffttt

That's the sound of my life, I think. I read all these other blogs and people are doing so many things! They, like, have a life! And sometimes an exciting life. There's nothing wrong with my life. I'm not saying that at all. But seriously, folks, I've got to spice things up somehow. I mean, it's to the point where I have to check my pulse now and then just to make sure I'm still here and all. Laundry, cleaning, some more laundry. Running errands, cleaning, playing some scrabble (too much), an occasional good book. Laundry. Get the picture?

And it's my own stupid fault. Time to kick myself in the hinderparts and get the zip back into things. Have a plan! Have a goal! Get a-goin'! Else when am I ever going to have something to blog about again?? Tell me that.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Quote Of The Day

The following is a quote by J. Paul Getty:

You have to do just three things to be successful: get up early, work hard, and strike oil."

I've been doing it all wrong. That explains a LOT.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

While We're On The Subject

I am not a fan of Valentine's Day. I don't care about chocolate. My heart won't break if I don't get flowers. I won't be depressed if I don't get a card. Now, I know I'm not the most sentimental person on the planet (I can hear my husband bellowing "UNDERSTATEMENT!!"). I realize that when God was hooking up that wire He became majorly distracted and missed it--oops! I'm aware of that. But even so, surely I'm not the only female on the planet who would probably forget the existence of Valentine's Day altogether if it weren't an actual impossibility to forget it, given the advertising, the merchandise, etc., that greets the eye upon entering any store? Surely there are others out there like me?

I understand that some women really like the holiday and for a lot of guys it's a way to build up some major boyfriend/husband points. I understand that some guys aren't very romantic or given to gift-giving at other points during the year (other than the obvious: birthdays, Christmas), so Valentine's Day is an opportunity to make up for that do so. I understand that it's an opportunity to do romantic things and have some fun. But it seems that more often than not it's a stressful time---a time of expectations, letdowns, confusion about what to get, possible resentment for expectations that he or she knows are out there, a lonely time if you're single, etc. Is it mostly just contrived? A Hallmark holiday? Or am I just an old cynic?

It's just, I suppose, that I'm spoiled. I have a great husband who does sweet things throughout the year. He's always complimenting me. He hears me when I mention something I like and several days later, there it'll be---lying by my pillow or sitting in the living room. He's very affectionate (much more than I am, though I try to work on that). He likes to plan getaways for just the two of us. So....I'm spoiled. I get Valentine's Day year-round, I guess. I know I'll be getting something, so it's easy for me to be cynical! So--hey!-- I don't want to bash the day. I know there are people who love the opportunity to be romantic. But I know there are many who groan, "Oh no, Valentine's Day!"

Which one are you?

Happy Valentine's Day

Some V's for Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tragedy In A Minor Key

I was surprised by my reaction to the news that Anna Nicole Smith died: complete shock and dismay. I know she's really only famous for being famous, she's ditzy and seemingly empty-headed and silly really. But I've always thought she was quite pretty and have felt bad for her these last five months or so considering everything swirling around her: the sudden and unexplained death of her son only three days after the birth of her daughter, the legal woes concerning who's really the father of her daughter, the question of whether the house she lives in is really hers to be in, etc. etc. (so Hollywood!! So People magazine!!). But to read the news online this afternoon that she suddenly died like her son---unexpectedly, unexplained, too young (39)---was really shocking. The saddest thing to me is thinking about that little five-month-old girl who will never know her mother and who now might be used merely as a pawn, a tool, between two men who will be insisting she belongs to him (the one may have the DNA but the other has been raising her). Compared to the tragedies around the world, I know that this is a minor one. But still one for some people---maybe mostly for a little, now motherless baby.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

For S. and S.

The following links are for my sweet niece and nephew who apparently find my blog quite entertaining (as long as it involves some sort of animation) :)

watch this!--it's kind of quiet so turn it sweet!!

and then watch this

and then here's our old friends