It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Puff The Magic Dragon

Well, I don't know about "magic" but today at the Y, a very annoying thing kept happening. I was on the arc trainer (an elliptical machine, very cool) and there was a lady on one next to me with headphones on (thus rendering her unable to hear herself, if you follow me). I was going along purposefully, minding my own business, when I realized that she kept puffing out a loud "choo" of expelled breath. Every few seconds there would be another loud "choo". Well, it was kind of amusing, but no problem. If she needs to choo, whatever helps her get through her workout.

But then! Then she kept turning to her left, facing me, to scan the rest of the club. Her "choos" didn't stop---this time they were puffed right out onto my arm and body. It was not so amusing anymore. The first time I thought, "Well, that was a bit annoying," and assumed that would be the end of it. Nope. Every few seconds, my arm would get a puff. Each time I would move my arm behind my back rather pointedly---I mean, I didn't swing it wildly and glare at her or anything, but I thought it might be a little obvious that I wasn't exactly enjoying her "chooing" on my arm, as it were. She never picked up on my subtle cues.

I wasn't sure if I should be rude and ask her to stop puffing on me or just keep hoping that she didn't have any communicable diseases. If my arm falls off in the next few days I'll know I should've opted for being rude.


Blogger jay aitch said...

Why didn't you just huff and puff and blow her off her machine?

5:30 PM, January 17, 2007

Blogger jay are said...

lol...I should've. I sure should've given her a little taste of her own medicine. I can just picture it---us both puffing at each other. Hyperventilating. Falling off the machines.

5:31 PM, January 17, 2007

Blogger SoozeSchmooze said...

Well my hat is off to you for keeping on the work out! I would have been tempted to in leave...I am sure you won't loose your arm if that is any consolation....sorry to hear you have all been so sick...definitely not the way to start the new year!!

6:09 PM, January 18, 2007

Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!! I'm annoyed with you! You should have done it back and seen if she noticed. (I've learned from the 3 yr old set.)

8:44 PM, January 18, 2007


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