A Minor Change
I've been wanting a new look, and it was too complicated to figure out how to make the changes I wanted on this current blog, so I've started a new one. You can find it here. Come visit!
It takes a spot of courage to stand up tall and a bit of derring-do to rise when you fall
I've been wanting a new look, and it was too complicated to figure out how to make the changes I wanted on this current blog, so I've started a new one. You can find it here. Come visit!
That's what this father says. I don't think I can agree in this instance. Why, why, and HOW could you saddle your kid with a name like that? (Check out his other kids' names.)
T-H-I-S is a terrible, horrible happening. More and more there are stories of kidnappings in Mexico and sadly, it's made me never want to visit again. It's a terrible thing that's going on there. But isn't there something just so ironic about this particular case? (Not to be irreverent or diminish the awfulness of it.)
I will likely regret bringing this up, and I'm disappointed in advance that it will be considered a "political" post because it's anything but that. This subject isn't important enough to raise anyone's ire, to make someone's head explode, etc. But this is merely, simply, an honest curiosity I have. I'm increasingly fascinated by a common thread of thought regarding global warming. Right now it's unusually cold in many places, it's snowing in strange and crazy places---New Orleans, Houston, etc.---and it's just COLD, right? So over and over I hear or read the comment, "Where's the global warming??" Often this is accompanied by a healthy dose of snickering. Which, like I said, I find fascinating. Also, in my initial ignorance, I didn't realize the bodies of thought are neatly split down political lines: Left believes; Right mocks. Those seem to be the two main players. I imagine there are plenty who trickle in somewhere in between on either side.
So a couple is racing down the breakdown lane on a highway in Massachusetts. Have they robbed a bank? Can't be bothered to wait in the stop-and-go traffic? Trying to get all their Christmas shopping done? Not quite. The woman is watermelon pregnant and having contractions three minutes apart...desperate, yeah? I mean, who wants to deliver a baby in the car on the highway in a traffic jam? Not me, thanks. I was there, and it's not a fun place to be (on the way, barely making it to the hospital).